Josefina Perez-Castro, LCSW
Diplomate in Clinical Social Work
Supervisor, Psychotherapist, Trainner
A graduate of Barry University in 1981 after obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology at FIU she has been a part of the South Florida community for many years. Josefina developed as an experienced clinician by receiving extensive training in individual, marriage, family, and group therapy. Her clinical experience started with her clinical work for the Dade County Department of Youth and Family Development followed by working as a Clinical Supervisor for Dade County Family and Victim Services. In private practice since 1985, Ms. Perez Castro and her associates built a practice under Josefina Perez-Castro, PA that is still operating in the same area. She founded Anaga Psychotherapy Center in 1997 where she is responsible for the administration, clinical supervision, psychotherapy interventions as well as a therapist for programs in domestic violence, sexual abuse, youth services, substance abuse, anger management and parent education.
As a psychotherapist she works with children, adults, marital and family therapy. As well as providing treatment of depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorders, and trauma. She has been providing forensic assessments/evaluations and treatment with clients referred by the Criminal Justice System. She has been a consultant in cultural issues regarding the assessment and treatment of Hispanic families. Josefina works with victims and families of the political persecuted, tortured, kidnapped and with victims of human rights violations. She also receives referrals from numerous with numerous Employees Assistant Programs and is experienced in Critical Incident Debriefing from traumatic events. She has been a presenter at professional international conferences in the areas of sexual abuse, violence, rape, and cultural differences. She is a clinical supervisor of student interns and licensing candidates. She believes that her role is to help people help themselves.
When she is not working, Josefina enjoys the outdoors, her dogs, reading, herbal gardening, traveling, and movies. She has been a member of the Miami Film Society since its beginning.